
Der Herausgeber


CSIRO: The Insects of Australia. A textbook for students and research workers
Martin Baehr

Patricia Fenner: Down Under. Images of Australia
Volker Raddatz

Neue Nachschlagewerke zur Literatur Australiens
Horst Prießnitz

Sue Murray: Bibliography of Australian Poetry, 1935-1955
Horst Prießnitz, Marion Spies

Manfred Jurgensen: Eagle and Emu. German-Australian Writing 1930-1990
Horst Prießnitz


Australian and European History Re-Enacted. The Argument of Michael Gow’s Historical Dialogue
Norbert Schaffeld

The Reception of Australian Literature in German Speaking Countries – revisted!
Volker Wolf

Übersetzungen von Gedichten von Droste-Hülshoff, Lasker-Schüler, Sachs, Hahn
Silke Beinssen-Hesse