»Drilling has begun in Australia’s quest for the oldest, continuous ice core record of Earth’s climate, dating back more than one million years.« https://buff.ly/40OmhFE
»For Birrbay/Dunghutti woman Alarne Gili Mehan, the [AUS Day] morning was a somber reminder of the historic losses suffered by F.N. people, with the sunrise ceremony serving as a metaphor for the enduring presence and resilience of Ind. communities.« https://buff.ly/3Q5IKsI
CALL FOR ISSUES | The open-access Australian Studies Journal (ZfA|ASJ, ISSN 1864-3957) invites proposals for special issues focussing on specific themes or topics related to Australia. #AustralianStudies #CfP #Journal #Australia #Migration https://buff.ly/3MhIRQ4