
From the Editors



From “Eve in Ebony” to a “Bran Nue Dae”: The Representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in Australian Motion Pictures ‒ A Synopsis

John J. McGowan

“Lemnos: This Little Piece of Earth”: Moments of Peace away from Battle 1915/16: Australia’s War-Time Experience of an Aegean Arcadia

Henriette von Holleuffer


German Paratexts of Indigenous Australian Literature

Oliver Haag

Images of the Nation in SBS’s Immigration Nation

Marilyne Brun

Research in Progress

Symposium Review: “Enlightened Powers: American, French & British Interactions in Botany Bay, 1788-1800”

Theresa Schön


Heike Hartmann, Lars Eckstein, Helmut Peitsch, Anja Schwarz und Steffen Krestin, Hrsg.: Der Australienforscher Ludwig Leichhardt: Spuren eines Verschollenen.

Gerhard Stilz

Ali Lewis: Everybody Jam.

Liesel Hermes

Christine Winter, ed.: Looking after One′s Own: The Rise of Nationalism and the Politics of the Neuendettelsauer Mission in Australia, New Guinea and Germany (1921-1933).

Oliver Haag

David S. Bird: Nazi Dreamtime. Australian Enthusiasts for Hitler’s Germany.

Oliver Haag