KOALAS – Konzepte, Orientierungen, Abhandlungen, Lektüren, Australien-Studie (Concepts, Orientations, Treatises, Readings, Australian Studies)
The KOALAS series is designed to outline and document the changing European perspectives on Australia, from popular clichés to solid scientific investigations and scholarly knowledge.
Australian Studies Journal – ZfA
The Australian Studies Journal is the annual academic publication issued by the Association for Australian Studies.
You can find the current issue here. Earlier issues, which were only published in book form, are made available in the archive.
The eNewsletter serves as a forum to inform not only members of the Association for Australian Studies about academic and professional activities in their fields of study and research. The eNewsletter accepts up-to-date information on conferences, publications, lectures, scholarships, awards, research projects, institutions, and web links to Australian resources.