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ISBN: 978-3-758489-65-5

This work is licensed
under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Guest Editors:
Beate Neumeier and Victoria Herche

Beate Neumeier and Victoria Herche
Narrating Lives – Telling (Hi)stories
Transcultural Readings
Essays in Memory of Kay Schaffer
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.01

Sidonie Smith
For Kay, and the Collaboration We Shared
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.02

Kateryna Olijnyk Longley
Life Games
Memory and Postmodern Biography
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.03

Paul Longley Arthur
Fake History, Trauma, and Memory
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.04

Norbert Finzsch
Biological Warfare in North America and Australia
Smallpox and Colonial Violence
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.05

Stephen Muecke
Creativity, Critique and the Problem of Situated Knowledge
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.06

Xianlin Song
Grass Roots Activism for Rural Women in China
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.07

Philip Mead
Kenneth Slessor, Film Writing, and Popular Culture
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.08

Sabine N. Meyer
Transculturality and Filmic Practice
Cultural Difference and Transcultural Belonging in ‘Babel’
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.09

Friederike Danebrock
The Ninth Prison
Desert Islands and no Witch in Margaret Atwood’s ‘Hag-Seed’
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.10

Beate Neumeier
Of Boats and Walls
Migrating Iconographies
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.11

Victoria Herche
“Listen to your tribal voice”
Embodying Locality in German-Australian Music Encounters
The Case of Peter Maffay and Yothu Yindi
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.12

Oliver Haag and Henriette von Holleuffer
DOI: 10.35515/zfa/asj.35/2021.13

Editors & Contributors