
From the Editors



A Wilderness of Mirrors: Perspectives on ‘the Spying Game’ in Australian Literature

Bruce Bennett

Rock Wallabies and Mayan Temples: The Landscapes of the Pilbara in Japanese Story and the Burrup Peninsula

Delys Bird

The Flying Caseys

Carl Bridge

Australia’s First Fleet Journals and Europe’s Last Frontier

Livio Dobrez

The Cultural Logic of Martin Boyd’s Anti-Puritan Novels

Pat Dobrez

Indigenous Australian Art Photography: an Intercultural Approach

Elisabeth Gigler

Australian Science Fiction: in Search of the “Feel”

Dorotta Guttfeld

Mehr als fremde Augen: Anna Funders Stasiland und die feinen Unterschiede des literarischen Journalismus

Beate Josephi & Christine Müller

Fellumhänge australischer Aborigines – von Gebrauchsgegenständen zu Identität stiftenden Kunstwerken

Sibylle Kästner

Kinder des Holocaust: Untersuchungen zum australischen Film The Dunera Boys

Miriam Rebecca Konzelmann

‘Connecting the Dots’: The Role of Psychology in Indigenous Australia

Keith R. McConnochie

Rapid Hobart – A History of Acculturation

Eva Meidl

Billy Blue, the Old Commodore

Cassandra Pybus

Tripping Over Feathers: Beginning a Biography of Janaka Wiradjuri (Joy Williams)

Peter Read

Tim Winton’s Narrative of Belonging: Revisiting Australian Identity through Europe in The Riders

Sarah Zapata

Vom pittoreskem ‘Dreaming’ zum Albtraum. Über das Scheitern der Selbstverwaltung von Aboriginal Communities

Adi Wimmer


As Country was slow

Les Murray

Anthrax Street, Lavayette TN

Tim Thorne

Spider, Man

A Doctor Calls

Catherine Keneally

From: ‘Rumori’

Ken Bolton


When the Rage Comes

Andrew Peek

Dinner by the River

Driving to the Airport

Andrew Taylor



Bonnor, Chris and Jane Caro (2007): The Stupid Country: How Australia is Dismantling Public Education.

Peter Posch

Dose, Gerd and Britta Kuhlenbeck, eds. (2007): Australia: Making Space Meaningful.

Tony Simoes da Silva

Forster, Clive (2004): Australian Cities. Continuity and Change.

Boris Braun

Jacobs, Anne (2006): Alien Roots: A German Jewish Girlhood: From Belonging to Exile.

Marion Spies

Landman, Jane (2006): The Tread of the White Man’s Foot. Australian Pacific Colonialism and the Cinema, 1925-62.

Franz Kuna

Robin, Libby, (2007): How a Continent Created a Nation.

Julia Seipel

van Toorn, Penny (2006): Writing Never Arrives Naked. Early Aboriginal Cultures of Writing in Australia.

Nadja Lüdemann


Brett, Lily (2006): You’ve Gotta Have Balls.

Adi Wimmer

Coetzee, J.M. (2007): Diary of a Bad Year.

Adele Garnier

Flanagan, Richard (2007): The Unknown Terrorist.

Paula Kreiner

Jones, Gail (2007): Sorry.

Catherine Schwerin

Jones, Gail (2006): Der Traum vom Sprechen.

Arno Rußegger

Jones, Gail (2004): Sixty Lights.

Adi Wimmer

Turner-Hospital, Janette (2007): Orpheus Lost.

Helga Ramsey-Kurz

Wright, Alexis (2006): Carpentaria.

Nadja Lüdemann


Rolf de Heer: The Tracker (2002) and Ten Canoes (2006).

Kira Eghbal-Azar

Der junge Leichhardt und Wir (DVD, 2007).

Adi Wimmer


George und Jonathan Dreyfus: Kinder-Matinee in der Deutschen Staatsoper Berlin.

Rosemarie Gläser